g market list

스킨푸드 - skinfood

엘리샤코이 Elisha Coy

이글립스 E-Glips

클리오 Clio

페르세포네 Persephone

제이딜라 제이 Jadilla

라포레 LaForet

로트리 Lotree

미샤 Missha

에뛰드하우스 Etude House

엔시아 Entia

페리페라 Peri Pera

라네즈 Laneige

바닐라코 Banila co

보브 VOV

러블리 레이스 lace

스킨플레이어] 스킨플레이어 skins for computer/mobile phone

그레이 - grey
회색 - grey

걸 - girl

오트밀 - oatmeal

연분홍 - pink

검정 - black

인디 - indigo

민트 - mint

연보라 - mauve

크림 - cream

핑크 - rosy pink

뉴욕 - New York

이탈리아 - Italy

헤어 - hair

Prozac: "Wash Your Blues Away!"

that would be so cool...

magical chemicals !

magical chemicals !, originally uploaded by petite chose.

I found this picture on flickr, and love it...

Xmas Decoration 2006

Xmas Decoration 2006, originally uploaded by kbo.

xmas pic

Merry Christmas!!! ~ Take one each Please~~~

Merry Christmas!!! ~ Take one each Please~~~
Originally uploaded by Pisces Romance

Which xmas picture will I put on my main blog 'birkinbagbeauty'?


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Geeeh, another blog